
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Parktone Highlights 2010

What has been your highlight at Parktone Primary School this year? It might be a camp, an excursion or something that you have learnt or enjoyed in the classroom.


  1. My highlight this year has been Echuca camp! I enjoyed the most because it was such a nice place although we didn't go there in the best weather it was still fantastic! I have enjoyed everything else this year as well. It is sad knowing that we are leaving the school in a very short time but I have really enjoyed my time here, and this year is by far the best!

  2. I really like the way my class room has changed.
    I like it because it is different and beautiful.
    The room makes me feel good about learning more things like maths.

  3. There are so many things I have enjoyed this year. Sharing the classroom with the other 1/2's. Having my little sister come to the school for the prep transition programme. My teachers have been wonderful, and so many more things that I haven't listed.

  4. My highlight was the school concert I really enjoyed singing with my class, our song was from the movie "Grease" I also really liked the teachers singing and dancing. I really liked the big hat that Miss Else wore.

  5. Hi Grade
    My most memorable moment would be when I won 1st in hurdles in against other houses.
    What is yours?

  6. My most memorable moment this year was the swimming lessons. I had a great time on the last day noodle racing and other fun games.

  7. My highlight at parktone this year was the concert because I was the main character in my class. I was very nervous when Chloe said 1/2E is coming up but I really enjoyed it.

  8. My highlight this year has been watching the Year 6 students reflect on their time at Parktone as they prepare for Graduation. It's been wonderful looking back at old photographs and listening to the students discuss their personal highlights. I can't wait to see you up on stage on Wednesday 15th - your night of nights! Good luck everyone.
    Ms Bampfield

  9. I agree Ms Bampfield,
    All the photos of the Grade sixers were really interesting to look at from when they were in prep to now .To all Grade sixers have a very fun night at graduation.

  10. My highlight this year would have to be going to the emu show at Echuca camp. It was so funny and I really liked the way the two emu puppets were tap dancing.


  11. Hi grade 5/6

    My highlight of the year was when we were on camp because for the first time of school camp we were allowed to buy things and I also enjoyed going into a swimming pool in camp because I had not been in a swimming pool for a long time. I did this blog with my new Ipad.
    Hope every one has a good holiday!
    From Chris

  12. My highight of 2010 was the grade 5/6 camp. We went to all these fantastic shops like, the emu puppet shop and all the others, it was such a great show. I hope you will enjoy this year.
