
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why should people visit our blog?

We are very excited about using blogs in our classroom. Though this is a new experience for us we are trying hard to understand what makes a blog stimulating for our readers, as well as learning proper blog etiquette. We hope to share with you many exciting challenges and learning experiences as we extend our use of ICT in the classroom. We have also started a Twitter page @parktone5_6 and joined the Student Blogging Challenge. Why do you think people should visit our blog?
Challenge 1 - Sept 2010


  1. I think people should visit our blog because they will get an insight of what our wonderful school is like! They can also see what our grade is focusing on and they might learn a few things from our blog! They can recommend things like helping us find a way to improve on our blog etiquette or share there learning experiences as well as we share ours!

  2. I think people should look at our blog to see our opinion on things because even though we are kids we still have good ideas and beliefs.

  3. I think people should visit our blog because then they can give us tips about our comments on the blog and they may also learn important things from us and might even teach us something! Wouldn’t you like to help others learn? - Stephanie

  4. Heyya,
    I think you are exactly right Steph. I would like to help others learn. Your comment is is perfect.

    I think people should visit our blog to keep up with our learning and acheivements. It also keeps us up to date with more technoligy.

  5. Dear 5/6,
    I think people should visit our blog because they can find out more information about the school. They can learn a thing or two about Ipod Touches, computers and new software. Parents could find out what new subject's their children are learning. Last of all people can express there feelings about the school and tell us how to improve our blog.
    P.S What do you think and do you agree?

  6. Hello Bloggerific Team!
    I am Mrs Viney from Tasmania and I am teaching students that range in age from 9-12. I actually teach in double unit that has 2 teachers and 50 students! As you can imagine that keeps us very very busy. We have just joined the blogging challenge so that is how I have found your blog. You all did a fantastic job on your avatars and congratulations Lissy and Natasha :-)
    I am looking forward to seeing more on your blog very soon. You also might like to visit our class blog. It is called On the Grapevine and can be found at
    My students are hoping that you might visit very soon :-)
    All the best with the challenge,
    Mrs V.

  7. Dear Mrs. Viney,
    I love how you have a list of A-Z of why people should visit your blog. It’s a great idea. I played a few of your puzzles and games and I liked your avatar creator. At school we made one using DoppelMe. Why don’t you have a try? The website is the way I like your picture of the Vines on your blog.
    Best regards,

  8. Hi I'm Kate from Mrs V's class,

    I think people should visit your blog because it shows a wonderful and amazing insight of the work your class does. It is perfectly persented and is equally perfect with the work. Your blog is a very good blog and you should be proud of it.
    Can you please visit our blog too??? Good luck in the challenge.

    From your new blogging friend, Kate.

  9. Dear Kate S,
    Thank you for your wonderful comments about our blog. I visited your blog and I loved it. It was great that you had so many subjects for you to blog about. We just stared our blog not long a go so we need to catch up on the challenges. The best thing for me was your A-Z of why you should visit your blog. How should we improve on our blog?
    Hope to here from you soon.

  10. Dear the wonderful Year 5/6,

    I reckon people should visit our blog because it shows an insight view of what our marvellous school is about and the children’s thoughts. It also shows what our students learn and you might learn a few things too. You can recommend things like helping us find a way to improve on our blog or share there learning experiences as well as we share ours! Wouldn’t you like to learn?

    From Arya

  11. Dear the one and only Grade 5/6,

    I think people should visit our blog because it shows what exciting work we are doing! For example we have worked on our Twitter avatars very hard to make them look superb. Look for yourself. People may also learn a thing or two by looking at our blog because it is educational.

    Do you think this blog is educational?
    Let us know why.

    Yours sincerely,

  12. Dear Grade 5/6 and other visiters around the world,

    I think that people should visit our blog more so that people can seen how other schools work and use different strategies to teach their other fellow student. Blogs teach students, parents and teachers to be more careful using the internet.
    So thats why I people should visit our blog more.

    How educational do you think school blogs are?

    Best wishes,

  13. Dear the smart children from Parktone Primary School,

    I think people should visit our blog because they will get an insight of what our beautiful school is about!They can recommend things like helping us find a way to improve our blog and share there learning experiences as well as we share ours! Wouldn't you like to help students learn?

    From a student at Parktone Primary School,
